OHS policy
Top management EXMONT INVEST,spol.s r.o.
based on standard of STN ISO 45001:2019
is announcing following safety work policy
1.Management liability towards Safety work regulation
Top management is abliged to follow safety regulation of STN ISO 45001 and continually to improve effectivity of ISO system within company and offer an space for developing and explore the targets of STN ISO 45001
& to implement Safety general policy in the way that everybody within the company will accepted this and will built pernament ability to improve STN ISO 45001 managing and efficiency of STN ISO 45001 with a focus to prevent number of injuries and staff health detriment and enviromental protection.
2.Mutual intereactions Management - Staff
From the top Management there is united sum of perceptions regarding to an importance of STN ISO 45001 effectivity and perceptions and ensurance that any staff members can put their inputs and their collaborations are appreciated.
3.Working enviroment
Based on related regulation in Safety rulles and heath protection the company
EXMONT INVEST,spol s r.o. has to ensure Exmont staff of safe and sound work enviroment including hygienic and social backing and fire protection sufficient lighting and air ventilation.These rulles are implemented also in the case of construction site accomodations.
4.Pernament improvement
The company EXMONT INVEST ,spol s.r.o. is active in fulfilling criteria "Good Safety practice "so that as much as possible can be identified any precautios ensuring the risk preventure.
The Company will ensure any precautios to help:
-implementation of risk situation and dangerous situation elimination
-improving work conditions which can effect to supporting health and safety condition on work area
-will focus on identified risk sources prevention
-will reach an identified and pernament asessments
-will satisfy related legislative conditions