Exmont Invest s.r.o.


  • 1996 - Erection of Gates for Gabčíkovo Dam, Gabčíkovo, Slovak rep.;
    Customer:Vodohospodárska výstavba š.p.Bratislava, Size: 540t-a piece, 2x, 20m x 22m x 2m
  • 1997 - PPC Power plant Bratislava - prefab and installation of piping;
    Customer: Lentjes mce, Rohlietung und Anlagebau, GmbH Rattingen, Germany; Installation time: 11 months
  • 1997 - Installation of Painting line for VW Bratislava;
    Customer: GEC ALSTHOM, AIR Industrie Systems, Paris, France; Installation time : 3 months
  • 1998 - Residue Refinery Upgrading Project, Slovnaft, EFPA, Block 66 Bratislava
    Prefab and installation of piping, erection of FCC unit and Merox;
    Customer: Raytheon Engineers and Constructors, The Hague, The Netherlands; Installation time: 11 months
  • 2000 - FCC Unit - Česká Rafinerska, Kralupy nad Vltavou, ČR - Installation of piping and equipment for procesing of residues in refinery,
    Customer: Fluor Daniel, Haarlem, The Netherlans, Installation time: 12 months
  • 2001 - Replacement of duct piping - Dunbar, UK, Cement Works, Blue Circle, Dunbar;
    Customer: Babcok MH, Installation time: 3 months
  • 2001 - Rodip3, Paint Line for automobile bodies, VBH, KTL units.
    Piping and pump groups installation; Installation time: 10 months; BMW, Duer Muenick, Germany
  • 2002 - VW Bratislava, Body washer, Paint line, Duer Germany: Piping and equipment; Installation time: 4 months
  • 2003 - Neusiedler Ruzomberok, SR: CBS Retrofit Project, Piping installation and equipment erection; Installation time: 6 months
  • 2003 - Blending of diesel fuel - Slovnaft Bratislava, SK;
    Customer: Intech s.r.o; Equipment erection and piping; Installation time: 6 months
  • 2004 - Deep gasoline desulfuration plan, Slovnaft Refinery;
    Client: ABB Lummus Global, Brno, Czech rep.; Piping installation, Equipment erection. Installation time: 12 months;
  • 2004 - Raw sirup storing tank 50.000m3Považský cukor, Trenčianska Teplá, Slovak rep.;
    Customer: JPM Germany; Installation time: 6 months
  • 2005 - Paintshop PSA Trnava - Client Haden Intl. USA,
    Piping installation, paintshop equipment erection. Installation time: 12 months
  • 2005 - Kia Žilina Paintshop - Main supply installation. Client: Duer Germany, Installation time: 7 months;
  • 2006 - Bioetanol, Vrdy, Czech rep., Client: Chemoprag a.s..
    Equipment erection,piping installation, storing tanks erection. Installation time: 12 months
  • 2006 - Bioetanol, Leopoldov, Slovak rep., Client: Enviral a.s.;
    Structure steel & equipment erection, piping installation; Installation time: 7 months
  • 2006 - Revamp of reactor and regenerator of FCC unit in Slovnaft refinery. Equipment erection, piping installation. Customer ABB Lummus Global, CR
    Reconstruction time: 5 weeks
  • 2007 - Raw sirup storing tanks 60.000m3 2x, Nord Zuccker Klein Wanzleben, Germany;
    Customer: JPM Germany; Installation time: 7 months
  • 2007 - Bioetanol, Trmice, Czech rep. - Client: Chemoproject Prague.
    Equipment erection, piping installation, storing tanks erection. Installation time: 8 months
  • 2007 - SHDS unit,Ceska Rafinerska, Czech rep.,piping & equipment installation, general contractor: ABB Lummus Global Brno,Czech rep.. Duration 6 months
  • 2007 - Gasoline storage tank installation - 4x18500m3Oiltanking Gent, Belgium; Contractor: JPM Germany. Duration 7 months
  • 2007 - Intensification of amonia plant, Duslo Sala, Slovak rep.. Contractor: Kovoprojekta TKB Brno, CR, Duration: 7 months
  • 2008 - Biodiesel plant Meroco Leopoldov, Contractor Chemoproject a.s. CR. Equipment installation, piping installation:Duration 6 months.
  • 2008 - Huyndai paint shop, Nosovice, CR, Contractor Duer, Germany. Piping installation. Duration: 8 months
  • 2008 - Oiltanking,Gent,Belgium-Contractor JPM,Germany
    Storing tanks 2x55000m3 installation.Duration 6 months
  • 2008 - Vitol Eurotank, Amsterdam harbour ,The Netherlands-Contractor Blohm&Voss,Germany
    Storing tanks 4x37,500m3 installation.Duration 6 months
  • 2008-2009 - HDS Gasoil Unit Gdansk,Poland-Contractor CB&I Wiesbaden,Germany 
    Piping prefabrication and installation.Duration -12 months
  • 2009 - Hydrocracker revamp, Slovnaft Refinery, Bratislava, Slovak Rep.
    Client: CB&I,Brno Czech rep. Piping prefabrication&installation, equipment installation. Duration: 3 months
  • 2010 - Butadien II, Kralupy, Czech Rep.. Customer Chemoprojekt a.s., Czech. Rep.
    Piping intallation. Installation period of 5 months
  • 2010 - Airport Bratislava, Slovakia.
    Client ZIPP a.s., SR. Main roof steel structure prefabrication and installation for a new terminal building.
    Installation period of 5 months.
  • 2010 - Ice Hockey stadium O.Nepela, Bratislava, Slovakia. Client: Ingsteel a.s.
    Building main steel structure installation. Installation period of 7 months
  • 2010 - Polybutadien, Kralupy, Czech Rep., Client Synthos a.s. Kralupy. (CBI Lummus Brno)
    Piping prefabrication. Duration: 3 months
  • 2010 - Polybutadien, Kralupy, Czech Rep., Client CBI Lummus Brno.
    Piping installation. Installation periond of 5 months.
  • 2009-2016 - BILFINGER ROB Beveren-Kallo, Belgium Piping prefabrication for Bilfinger ROB projects
  • 2010-2016 - Nuclear Power plant, Mochovce, SR. Reactor piping installation. Client: Modrany Power, Czech rep. 3rd & 4th block. Block piping installation
  • 2010-2012 - Oiltanking, Antwerp, Belgium - Contractor JPM, Germany. 6 Storing tanks 1x43000m3, 2x23000m3, 3x30000m3 installation. Duration 16 months
  • 2013 - Enviral a Polnopo Leopoldov, SR: KGJ units installation .Piping work on earth gas steam and water connection. Installation period 3 months.
  • 2012-Messer –Slovnaft a.s. Nitrogen generator unit installation:Customer Messer a.s.,Duration 4 months
  • 2013- Kiesewerke TREUL 06,Guenskirchen,Austria,Gravel sand separator unit installation, GunskirchenAustria.Client Bider&Co,Site duration 5 months
  • 2013-Water cooling unit installation for VW Bratislava,PEHD&Stainless steel  piping installation,
    Fincoolers installation.Contractor IMTECH Kft.Hungary.Duration 6 months
  • 2013-Earth gas Terminal Compressor station ,Velke Zlievce ,Slovakia.Piping supply and installation
    Contractor CKD Energetika s.r.o.Duration 12 months
  • 2014 Urea plant intensification ,Duslo Šala,Slovakia.Piping supply and equipment  installation.
    Contractor Chemoproject Praha .Duration 4 months
  • 2014-2015  LDPE4 Slovnaft Bratislava. Haulage piping,Jacket piping,Small &Large bore piping prefabrication  and installation.Contractor  Integral Montage,Austria.Duration 8 months
  • 2016-NHCU Reahilitation.Česká rafinérska Litvínov,CR.Piping prefabrication and installation.
    Contractor   CBI
  • 2017-2018 Jaguar Land Rover,Nitra. Utility piping installation in paintshop.Client  Duerr Germany.
    Installation period  - 8 months
  • 2018- Magna Steyer Nucleus,Maribor,Slovenia, Utility piping installation in paintshop.Client  Duerr Germany.
    Installation period  - 4 months
  • 2018- Mondi Stetí,Czech rep. 1.Project DNCG  Piping installation  2.Project PM7 Steam-Kadant Piping installation. Customer - Energochem Brno,ČR. Piping prefabrication and installation.Prefab&Installation period 4 months.  
  • 2018- Basra ,BASRA Crude DestilationNo.4 LPG unit,Iraq.Contractor:Technoexport,a.s.Praha,Piping prefabrication.Total DINCH 17.800
  • 2019- Slovnaft a.s., AAR Unit Bl.98,Contractor INTECH s.r.o.,Equipment erection&Piping prefabrication and installation.Project value: 1,100.000 €
  • 2020- Ceska Rafinerska,Litvinov,Czech rep.NHCU Rehabilitation,pipinng prefabrication and installation,Equipment and Structure steel installation.Contractor:McDermot s.r.o Brno,Czech rep.Project value: 1,900.000€
  • 2020- Mondi Steti,Czech rep,Rebuild  of PM1,piping prefabrication and installation -Total DINCH 78.000 Contractor Energochem a.s Brno
  • 2021- Eurochem Scrubber,Belgium.Piping prefabrication.Contractor Bilfinger ROB N.V.Project value : 180.000€
  • 2020-2021-Eurostream,High pressure nature gas interconnecting pipeline Slovakia-Poland,Piping and equipment Installation,Contractor:Energochem a.s.Brno.Project value 1,150.000€  
  • 2022-Opel Gliwice,Poland - Paintshop process piping instalation .Contractor Geico Taikisha,Italy.Process and utility piping prefab and installation.Skids installation.Totally . 22000 DInch
  • 2022-2023-VW Hannover,Germany -Paintshop process piping instalation .Contractor Geico Taikisha,Italy.       Process and utility piping prefab and installation.Skids installation.Totally . 47600 DInch
  • 2022-2023-NTZ NH3,Sala,Slovakia- Large volume Amonia storing tank installation 33000m3,Duslo Sala,Slovakia .Piping prefab and installation,Fleure erection.Contractor Technoexport Praha,Czech rep.Contract value  2,6 mil.€
  • 2024-PP3 MOL Slovnaft a.s.,Bratislava,Slovakia- Polyprophylen unit revamp,Piping and equipment installation.Contraktor SAM Bratislava.Totall  17500 DINCH welding.